Monday, February 21, 2011

It's my OBSESSION...


& Architecture!

& Decorating!

*these pictures are from the
I don't have a tumblr though. I'll work myself up to it one of these days.

Saturday I went to Bounce U. A fun bouncy place for kids. Met the cutest guy there. He was in charge of the little party I was attending. Paid me much attention lol He was young though. & we know I stay away from the youngs! I'm not a cougar! Rawrrrrrrrr!! lol They flock me & I get called a pedo. I never understood that lol

All & all...

Felt good to be out amongst the people. Even if they're a bunch of little kids & daddies & mommies with huge prego bellies. Tis the season for child bearing! *crickets*

In that rare moment I pictured a little version of me or my hubs or a mix of the two running around there. I had family yearning fever. It has since drifted but I know it will be back...I welcome it.

I'm missing Soho & random eatery spots. I miss my big headed brothers. I'll be seeing them soon. Miss my bffs too.

Just when we had some good warm weather the snow comes back heavy! Goshhhhhhhhhhhh!

Ah well.

Good day all!


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